Version 1.1.5.
- Add "Sudokus" project in "Projects"
- Add a blog post (14) in "Blog"
- Add Master's thesis in "About"
Version 1.1.4.
- Add a blog post (10) in "Blog"
- Add "Hidden" section
- Prepare next project "Sudokus" in "Projects"
- Add a blog post (11) in "Blog"
- Add a blog post (12) in "Blog"
- Add a blog post (13) in "Blog"
Version 1.1.3.
- Changed Music Theory Exercises style in "Projects"
- Changed TikZ Gallery style in "Projects"
- Add a blog post (8) in "Blog"
- Add a blog post (9) in "Blog"
- Add two more blocks in "Home" to highlight new features
Version 1.1.2.
- Add a blog post (5) in "Blog"
- Highlight code with JS Highlighter
- Change CSS style for smaller screens
- Change projects style
- Add a blog post (6) in "Blog"
- Add a blog post (7) in "Blog"
Version 1.1.1
- Add "Fruits and veggies" project in "Projects"
Version 1.1.0.
- Add project in "Other"
- Change order of elements and take presentation from "About" and put it in "Home"
- Remove card display for projects in "Projects" and "Other", and put a list such as in "Blog"
- Change footer to add versions and citations
Version 1.0.9.
- Find a way to include french version of cv in the text in "About"
- Change slightly presentation in "About"
Version 1.0.8.
- Finally add a .gitignore when pushing changes on web host
- Adjust navbar to any screen size
Version 1.0.7.
- Add a blog post (4) in "Blog"
- Change css to make the content of blog posts more easily readable on mobile
Version 1.0.6.
- Add thesis errata in "About"
Version 1.0.5.
- Add a blog post (3) in "Blog"
- Change bloc icon sizes in "Blog"
Version 1.0.4.
- Add the "Music Theory Exercises" project in "Projects"
Version 1.0.3.
- Add thesis in "About"
- Add academic information in "About"
- Add a blog post (2) in "Blog"
Version 1.0.2.
- Add links to Github and projects in "Other"
- Slight improvement of mobile version of the website
Version 1.0.1.
- Add the "TikZ Gallery" project in "Projects"
- Add a teaser for the "Music Theory Exercises" project in "Projects"
- Add downloadable CV in "About"
- Add "Blog" section
- Add a blog post (1) in "Blog"
Version 1.0.0.
- Add "Home", "Projects", "Other" and "About" sections
- Create cards to access the different sections in "Home"
- Create bigger cards to access the different projects in "Projects" and "Other"
- Add a short text in "About"
- Add a favicon